Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Hi. My name is Nancy and I'm a Jewelry Designer. It's an obsession I've had for about a year now. After spending some time mastering the basics I decided to sell some of my creations online. I set up an Etsy shop and away we went. Chic Made was born. The idea behind Chic Made was that my creative friends and I could all have a place to sell the things we make. But then my jewelry obsession kind of took over the shop. There are still a few things in the shop made by my creative friends, but most of the listing are mine.

I am creating this blog to write about my jewelry and to hopefully get feedback from would-be-customers (you!). The readers of my family blog (who are mostly my family) are getting tired of hearing about jewelry I think. Speaking of my family, I suppose I should mention that beside being a jewelry designer, I am also the mother to three young children. I fit in the jewelry designing during naptimes and after they go to sleep at night. Some days it brings me sanity to know that people outside of my house think I may have some talent beyond quick diaper changes.

Creating a beautiful or funky or fancy or unique (or all of the above) piece of jewelry makes me happy. It is almost never a chore. I feel accomplished when I am done. I feel especially good when someone else is happy because of my creation. I love to do custom pieces. My own personal jewelry collection has at least doubled in the last year. Now let me increase yours!

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