Monday, March 23, 2009

The BIG Giveaway!

My Bloggy Giveaway is up and going! Scoot on over there right away and enter for your chance to win one of three $25 gift certificates to Chic Made. $25 goes a long way at Chic Made!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Big things

I'm super busy these day making up a storm of new jewelry. There will be a Chic Made giveaway on Bloggy Giveaways on March 23 and I want the shop to be super-well stocked before then. So, if you haven't lately, check out what's going on over there. Fun stuff! New necklaces, earrings, hair do-dad's, etc. I'll be sure to remind you when the actual giveaway is open.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wire Wrapping

Wire wrapping has been a somewhat illusive technique to me. It was one of the things I wasn't able to learn from a book or tutorial online. I've tried and tried and practiced and practiced and I kinda got it but I just couldn't really master it and get the nuances down. Until now when I found the perfect, succinct little video to teach me. Margot Potter is quickly becoming my biggest hero.

I still have some practicing and perfecting to do - but in one afternoon I feel like I made more progress than I have in the last 6 months. So, thanks Margot! (If by some miracle Margot actually visits this blog due to the fact that I linked to her blog I will be amazed and humbled and maybe a little embarrassed.)

Here are the first earrings I completed with my newly learned technique:

They are, of course, for sale at Chic Made now.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


And the winner of my Loyal Follower Giveaway is SewsCute! Congrats! I went to college with Katie, so I'm glad she won. She will receive the Kami Dainty Dangle earrings and the Purple Checkered Double Strand bracelet. And thanks again to our loyal followers!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Secret Giveaway

OK, so it's not exactly a secret since I'm announcing it on the world-wide web. But what I mean is that I'm not going to blog about this anywhere else or go looking for more entrants. This is a giveaway for my loyal followers. Your loyalty will be repaid!

Here's how you enter: Go take a look at the Chic Made Etsy shop and decide which piece of jewelry you'd like to receive for Valentine's Day. Then come back here and tell me what it is and why you'd pick it. Convince me you need/want it bad! I'll choose the winner using a random number generator, but if your comment is the winning one and your reason why you'd like that piece for Valentine's Day is very convincing, you just might win that exact piece that you've been desiring! Make sense? (If your reason isn't convincing enough or the piece you chose is just a little too pricey, well, we'll work something out. You'll get some great jewelry - don't you worry.)

I'll close the giveaway on February 9 to give me enough time to mail the winner his/her prize.

Happy shopping and dreaming!

Saturday, January 31, 2009


Congratulations to Ashley! She is the winner of the Chic Made jewelry gift certificate. Thanks to everybody who visited and commented on my jewelry. Please let me know if there's any way I can help you.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Color Choice

I recently heard that to choose your eye makeup color you should look at a color wheel and choose a color that is opposite your eye color on the color wheel. I have blue eyes, and my favorite color eye liner that I think accents my eyes the best is a greenish khaki color. That is so NOT the opposite color on the color wheel. What IS opposite the color wheel for my eyes is red and orange. WHAT? Red or orange eye makeup? I think not. I think red or orange eye makeup would make me look stoned or half dead. But then I got to thinking about that in relation to jewelry. I look great in red jewelry (I've never tried orange...that may be a little too funky for me)! It really does bring out my blue eyes. So maybe I don't want that red on my eyes - but I still want it near them. So earrings are the answer! Red earrings!

To find out what color is opposite your eye color on the color wheel go here. That's the Wikipedia entry for color wheels and there are several examples. Then go get yourself some new earrings at Chic Made! If I don't have the right color for you, let me know. I'll make some!